Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Church heresies that Encourage American socio-political dysfunction

How did America get into a situation where radical right-wing demagogues are threatening wide-spread violence, wanting to enforce their half-baked belief system on a majority that does not agree? The answer can be simple or complex, political or spiritual, depending on your point of view. Some points to consider:

1) Mythology. America has never been the model of democracy that it portrays itself to be and there is a desperate backlash against the truth by those who idolize Americanism.

2) Billionaires. For no visible reason beyond feeding their overwhelming greed, corporate billionaires have taken control of the government through a system of legalized political bribery. Their apparent intention is to maintain control of the masses by any means necessary – divide and conquer being their favorite weapon.

3) Propaganda. The current state of political and social dysfunction in America is largely the product of an evil, propagandistic, right-wing media complex; created and deployed by an often-unnamed oligarchy. It spews the propaganda that continues to convince a large segment of low information voters to support the status quo. What are long-term motives of those who own and control this malevolent media juggernaut? As Christians we must consider the spiritual intent behind the creation and sponsorship of a machine that manufactures a limitless supply of lies. John 8:44

Right Wing Propaganda - Apostate Religion Plays its Part

This series of posts will discuss several unbiblical teachings, spread by influential American church leaders, that have been weaponized as part and parcel of right-wing political propaganda. These teachings have been a crucial component of the decades long propaganda campaign to encourage people to vote against their neighbor’s best interests, as well as their own. Mark 12:31 It will be up to you to decide whether such statements are consistent with the GOSPEL or if they were made entirely in the service of worldly, right-wing, Christian Nationalist politics. The outline:

Part 1. Recent political statements from the reformed church that oppose the BIBLE.

Part 2. Dispensational theology – what it is and the role it plays in Christian Nationalism.

Part 3. Racism – how can right-wing political Christians say they are not racists but still openly support anti-Black racism?

Part 4. Dominionism and Christian Nationalism are woven into the right wing’s proto-fascist agenda. What is their desired end game?

See my previous series, Unconditional Salvation vs the BIBLE.


  1. Where is part 2,3 and 4?

  2. Sorry - I am getting there. I have a lot to consider - part 1 will be 1a, 1b, and 1c. Will post 1a on 10/19. GB


Be civil - no swear words.

Overview - Why Did Right-wing Christians Vote Trump?

In 2016, 81% of voters who identified themselves as evangelical christians voted for a known adulterer, a compulsive liar, racist, and con-...