Saturday, April 4, 2020

Overview - Why Did Right-wing Christians Vote Trump?

In 2016, 81% of voters who identified themselves as evangelical christians voted for a known adulterer, a compulsive liar, racist, and con-man to become president of the United States. Do you shake your head and wonder how sanctimonious evangelical christians could ever accept a corrupt degenerate like Donald Trump and then go so far as to proclaim him to be their god appointed christian leader?

The explanation lies in the simple fact that these people are not really Christians. White American evangelicals would howl at the accusation, but it is easily proven by anyone who knows the BIBLE. The conservative right-wing political church has accepted so much false doctrine (false teaching) that it is practicing a religion that has discarded many of the original teachings of JESUS CHRIST. Simply put, the religion of the American right-wing political church is subtly, yet fundamentally, anti-christ.

(Note that I don't say this to attack these churches, I say it in the hopes that people will be concerned enough to look into their own hearts and ask GOD if they need to seek repentance. The BIBLE says to "Come out of Babylon." Rev 18:1-5)

The American right-wing political church is anti-Christ…

The term Christian originally meant someone who followed the teachings of and the example set by JESUS CHRIST. Church-i-anity describes the practices of church people who value their denomination’s tradition more than the actual teachings of JESUS. Mar 7:6-13 In the BIBLE, JESUS tells us that loving GOD - and showing it by treating other people the way you would like to be treated yourself - is the foremost teaching and the true essence of the Christian faith. Mat 22:34-401 Cor 13 If you and your denomination hates, judges and despises other people, no matter who they are, regardless of the reason, you are practicing a religion that is against CHRIST, i.e., anti-Christ. Anti-christ means “opposed to, or instead of” CHRIST. Right-wing politics, patriotism, and race pride are the idols that the right-wing church worships instead of CHRIST.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was most certainly about hating, despising, judging and rejecting “others”. Sadly, right-wing political christians ate it up. Repent, you must repent! As much for being willfully deceived – as for idolizing a man and trusting in him for worldly salvation.

You will not be forgiven if you refuse to forgive others…

Let no man deceive you, going to a church once a week with people who are as deceived as you are is not going to save you. You cannot be saved if you hate or refuse to forgive – and that even includes hating those who persecute you. Not sure that this is a thing? See Mat 5:21 and recall the words of the LORD’s prayer – JESUS tells us to ask GOD to “… forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”. “Debts” mean sin. Your sins will not be forgiven if you refuse to forgive others – that’s the BIBLE. Mat 6:12-15, Mat 5:44-48

Conservative please read on - it could save your soul…

My mission is a mission of mercy. I am delivering a wake-up call to those Christians in America who have been entranced and deceived by those preaching hate. I am here to preach repentance to the deceived – to call out a sin that is threatening to send you to hell. American right-wing christians have been deceived by tradition into believing that racism and hate can be justified. Are you willing to risk eternity in hell to feel superior to others? The BIBLE tells us over and over that GOD rebukes and disciplines those who HE loves. Pro 3:11, Rev 3:19 Rebuke means convict of wrong doing. How can you receive correction from GOD if you refuse to listen to anything that disagrees with your worldly politics?

Jas 2:8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you show partiality (prejudice and favoritism), you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

I am not saying that all white Americans are racists, but American patriotism and its accepted falsehoods are unavoidably tied to racism. Right wing propagandists are preaching hate against people who are actually America’s historical victims. I believe that GOD is being merciful in allowing American right-wing political christians to worship an obvious anti-christ (Trump) without immediately losing their souls - because there is still time to repent before they are lost forever. This is the purpose here – not hate for racists but a warning to repent according to the love of JESUS.

You can’t fool GOD…

My mission entails more than calling out to people to repent of racism, anger, and general unforgiveness. If your version of Christianity is driving weak Christians and unbelievers away from the true message of JESUS CHRIST; causing them to associate Christianity with hate, you are committing a terrible sin against them and against your own soul. The mission of everyone in the church is to draw people to JESUS by practicing love and forgiveness. Christians, will you listen to the words of JESUS? JESUS knows what is in your heart – you can’t fool GOD.

In this 7-part essay I will prove to you, using the words of the BIBLE, that people who mindlessly support every aspect of modern conservative republican politics are not obeying the will of GOD, as revealed by JESUS CHRIST.

Many people may not actually know what real Christianity is…

I will explain how a long-standing denominational teaching has allowed American christians to feel justified in hating and abusing others; when the BIBLE plainly says that true Christians are to follow the example of JESUS and love everyone, including sinners. I will expose the origin of that terrible soul-destroying heresy, a false church teaching, that dominates the American mindset – both Christian and secular.

Most importantly, I will discuss the probability that many people who claim to be saved Christians, as well as those who say they hate Christianity - may not actually know what real Christianity is.

The 7 essays will discuss the following:

Part 1 will show that racism is a sin according to the BIBLE.

Amazingly, many people who think of themselves as christians don’t seem to accept the fact that racism is a sin. Current events show that many American christians feel perfectly justified in holding racist beliefs. Using the most basic BIBLE scriptures, we will see that racism is a deadly sin that will most definitely carry your soul to hell.

In Part 2 we will see that, symbolically, America has broken and continues to break every one of GOD’s 10 Commandments (The very same 10 Commandments that right-wing christians pretend to revere).

Many American right-wing christians consider it unpatriotic to point out America’s grossly sinful past. The BIBLE does not tell us to be patriotic, the BIBLE tells us to seek the truth and to repent - both for ourselves and for our forbearers. I will show how America, throughout its history, has broken every commandment and continues to break them in order to maintain economic and political dominance – all in service to the love of money.

Part 3 will expose Calvinism as the false church doctrine (teaching) that has been used to justify all of America’s sins.

The first puritan settlers that landed in Massachusetts were Calvinists. The false teachings of Calvinism allowed them to justify killing the natives and enslaving Africans. Calvinism allowed the puritans and their spiritual and political descendants to believe that they had the right to dismiss the human worth of all people who were not of their race or their sect. As such, racism has been baked into the American mindset from the very beginning - through church teachings that most people have never learned to question.

Part 4 will discuss false teaching in the modern church.

The endtime deceptions are here. Many people think that church deceptions are coming – but they are already here; in some cases, as the BIBLE tells us, they have been in the church from the very beginning (e.g., Gnosticism). Racism is just one of the many end time deceptions that is plaguing the American Church. There are many other deadly unbiblical false doctrines being promoted in American churches – in white churches, black churches, Mexican churches, and in every other church group. We will talk about them and learn how to recognize an apostate (false) church that is sending its parishioners to hell by teaching false doctrine.

Part 5 is a Word specifically for Non-Christians, Unbelievers, Atheists, etc.

I will present, as best I can (according to my own opinion but in line with what BIBLE commentators have taught from the beginning) a short summary of what the BIBLE says and what it means - as opposed to what modern apostate political christian denominations claim their religion stands for. I hope to shed some light on real BIBLICAL Christianity – information that even non-christians can use to recognize and point out the hypocrisy of sanctimonious right-wing political false christians who are not speaking and acting according to the commandments of their own stated religion.

In Part 6 we will look at the concept of Authoritarianism.

I want to Introduce people to the concept of authoritarian psychology. Social scientists have long known that a certain percentage of people, irrespective of race, religion, and politics are prone to following any strong leader that represents the existing political order. Of course, Christians should be following JESUS and not seeking worldly salvation by idolizing any politician or leader. Hopefully some people will see that they are being led down the wrong path by political personality cults, and recognize the need to repent.

Part 7 - The Final Conclusion - The Meaning of Life

It occurred to me one day, just out of the blue, that I understood the meaning of life. After more than 50 years of BIBLE study and general research, I offer you my final takeaway.


  1. Hello,

    I appreciate what you have written here and want to get in touch. You can check out my website to see where I am coming from but I think we see things very similarly.

    You can email me at


  2. Thanks. My interaction with Joel, who took the time to make a comment has been very positive. I encourage others to comment.

  3. Hi there. I just found this blog through reddit. I'm looking forward to reading through it. I never drank the Trump Kool Aid, and have been aware of the sickness of the religious right for twenty years. Just because you are in the minority doesn't mean you are wrong. Keep up the good work!


Be civil - no swear words.

Overview - Why Did Right-wing Christians Vote Trump?

In 2016, 81% of voters who identified themselves as evangelical christians voted for a known adulterer, a compulsive liar, racist, and con-...