Propaganda (definition): Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
Simply put propaganda is a means of spreading lies. When right-wing political christians use propaganda to falsely condemn all of their chosen political enemies, it is the same as bearing false witness – a lie. The BIBLE plainly states that all liars will go to hell – all means all - it says nothing about “once saved” people being allowed to unrepentantly lie and still being saved. Rev 21:8
Currently, the word “WOKE” has been weaponized as propaganda for use by the right-wing media cesspool and is being used to attack anyone who does not support white christian nationalism, i.e., republican politics. “Woke” originally meant to be self-educated about racism and injustice. Right-wing operatives have incorporated a bizarre denial of historical reality in their propaganda campaign by creating an entirely false definition for the term “CRT.”
In 2018, John Macarthur published a manifesto that helped to legitimize the use of right-wing propaganda in American “christian” circles. The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel, the so-called "Dallas Letter," was / is nothing more than a thinly veiled white nationalist political screed masquerading as “christian” doctrine. Like the 4 sermons discussed in Part 1(b) of this series, the Dallas Letter attacks “social justice” instead of reminding Christians to love their enemies - as JESUS commanded.
Endorsed by thousands of right-wing political christian “leaders,” the Dallas letter is so spiritually dangerous because, through it, a prominent Christian “leader” helps to legitimize the use of propaganda. When white nationalists, inspired and emboldened by such propaganda, condemn their political enemies as being satanic – that is a bold first step towards the dehumanization and the subsequent murder of their political enemies – the civil war that heretical white-supremacists have long fantasized about. Rev 13:10
The Dallas Letter is in 16 sections and is many pages long. For your consideration - I excerpt and discuss some of its more egregiously unbiblical statements below. (The quoted language is highlighted.)
The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel
Introduction - 1st Paragraph
In view of questionable sociological, psychological, and political theories presently permeating our culture and making inroads into Christ's church, we wish to clarify certain key Christian doctrines and ethical principles prescribed in God’s Word.
They (MacArthur and his ghost writers) can only “clarify” according to their Calvinistic / christian nationalist / right-wing doctrine. Note that they equivocate and say that the “theories” are questionable, not undeniably false. The historical / political aspects are only questionable because the right-wing church refuses to embrace historical truth. My concern is racism and I will concentrate my commentary on that aspect of this screed.
Note that it is actually very questionable as to whether anything was clarified by this document because they do not specifically explain what the “questionable theories” teach or how they making inroads in the church. The fact that they use the “dog whistle” terms invented by the right-wing media indicates that they expect their target audience to already hold the required prejudice against what they are pretending that these terms mean (specifically Woke and CRT).
Clarity on these issues will fortify believers and churches to withstand an onslaught of dangerous and false teachings that threaten the gospel, misrepresent Scripture, and lead people away from the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Nothing can threaten the gospel – the Bible says that no one and nothing can separate us from the love of GOD. Rom 8:38 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Oddly this is one of the Calvinists favorite scriptures used to prove their doctrine of election. Interestingly, racism and hatred in the form of white christian nationalism does in fact “lead people away” from the grace of GOD. It causes unbelievers to reject Christianity as hypocrisy instead of drawing them with love. We will see the real reason for their alarm in the next paragraph.
2nd Para
Specifically, we are deeply concerned that values borrowed from secular culture are currently undermining Scripture in the areas of race and ethnicity, manhood and womanhood, and human sexuality.
They are probably being unintentionally honest when they present “race and ethnicity” as their foremost concern. How can teaching the truth about racism and genocide in western society undermine the scriptures? That is ridiculous – it is obviously political – people simply don’t want to acknowledge that their prosperity was built on racist exploitation. IMO, all the other stuff is largely filler to justify the maintenance of racism for the purposes of white supremacy.
The Bible’s teaching on each of these subjects is being challenged under the broad and somewhat nebulous rubric of concern for “social justice.”
See how this is presented as an unsubstantiated claim, like many Calvinistic doctrinal claims, it cannot be supported by any specific BIBLE passage. What does social justice really mean? Social refers to society (everybody) – justice means fair and equal treatment. Ignoring the false definition imposed right-wing propagandists (satan’s lie machine), social justice just means equal treatment under the law for everyone. The literal definition of social justice can only be seen as being evil if you hate JESUS’ and HIS great commandment – Love GOD and love your neighbor as yourself.
What BIBLE teachings are challenged by Black Americans calling for an honest national discussion of the history of American genocide and continuing structural racism, with the goal of being granted the rights that are supposedly already guaranteed in the constitution?
If the doctrines of God’s Word are not uncompromisingly reasserted and defended at these points, there is every reason to anticipate that these dangerous ideas and corrupted moral values will spread their influence into other realms of biblical doctrines and principles.
If you examine the “ideas” that they would typically include in their strawman definition of social justice, you realize that their own law – constitutionally guaranteed rights - like unimpeded voting rights for Blacks and minorities, are considered to be “dangerous ideas” because they threaten white supremacy. At the same time, it is ridiculous fear mongering to say that some new form of immorality will spread and influence the church when every form of immorality has been present in human society since the creation of the world.
3rd Para
We submit these affirmations and denials for public consideration, not with any pretense of ecclesiastical authority, but with an urgency that is mixed with deep joy and sincere sorrow. The rapidity with which these deadly ideas have spread from the culture at large into churches and Christian organizations—including some that are evangelical and Reformed—necessitates the issuing of this statement now.
This is mere politics – it is clarion call to white supremacists / christian nationalists to “circle the wagons.” It goes without saying that they have no ecclesiastical authority to present a raft of half-truths in the service of their racist right-wing political agenda.
4th Para
In the process of considering these matters we have been reminded of the essentials of the faith once for all handed down to the saints, and we are re-committed to contend for it.
Note that the Calvinism that MacArthur follows is not the faith that was handed down to the saints; it is instead a popular heresy created by a guy in Switzerland 1500 years after the time of CHRIST.
We have a great Lord and Savior, and it is a privilege to defend his gospel, regardless of cost or consequences. Nevertheless, while we rejoice in that privilege, we grieve that in doing so we know we are taking a stand against the positions of some teachers whom we have long regarded as faithful and trustworthy spiritual guides.
It is our earnest prayer that our brothers and sisters will stand firm on the gospel and avoid being blown to and fro by every cultural trend that seeks to move the Church of Christ off course. We must remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.
My guess is that the cultural trend that really concerns them is anti-racism and the acknowledgement of a historical reality that upsets mythology of white christian nationalism that is necessary to justify their fantasy of a future earthly dominionist kingdom.
5th Para
The Apostle Paul’s warning to the Colossians is greatly needed today: “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8).
Right-wing politics itself is a deceitful philosophy that is wants you to forget that the main message of the BIBLE according to JESUS Christ is love GOD and love your neighbor as you love yourself – IOW simple human decency, the same concept as social justice. People who despise the idea of equal treatment for others have a serious spiritual problem.
Affirmations & Denials
The document that follows is an attempt to heed that apostolic command. We invite others who share our concerns and convictions to unite with us in reasserting our unwavering commitment to the teachings of God’s Word articulated in this statement. Therefore, for the glory of God among his Church and throughout society, we offer the following affirmations and denials.
This section of the document is a series of propositions that pretend to prove the introduction by supposedly clarifying certain Christian doctrines. It would be overly long to try to address every point that I consider deceptive, so I have commented on 2 of their “denials” and offered a conclusion that (IMO) summarizes their true intentions.
WE DENY that Christian belief, character, or conduct can be dictated by any other authority, and we deny that the postmodern ideologies derived from intersectionality, radical feminism, and critical race theory are consistent with biblical teaching.
Note that the “Ideologies” that they attack are propagandistic strawmen that 90% of their audience can’t define, other than to believe that these terms threaten their feelings of white-supremacy. This is another red herring. It is almost meaningless to claim is that some progressive social issues, especially the right's lies about them, are not consistent with biblical teaching. They don't define the code words or actually provide any proof of their hysterical claims.
The rest of the Affirmation and Denial statement is just a long screed that cleverly intersperses Calvinistic doctrines with some BIBLICAL truths, as well as some historical falsehoods, to try to prove that nothing should be done to give all people access to the supposed constitutional right to pursue happiness. It includes just enough “reverse discrimination” type code words to make it plain that the anti-discrimination language isn’t meant as a call to actually do anything to address racial inequality. In a near paroxysm of projection they claim to “deny” many of the attitudes of the overt anti-black racist while simultaneously suggesting that anti-racism is still somehow un-Biblical. Simply put: Opposing anti-racism is pro-racism. It is as simple as 2+2=4.
WE DENY that treating people with sinful partiality or prejudice is consistent with biblical Christianity. We deny that only those in positions of power are capable of racism, or that individuals of any particular ethnic groups are incapable of racism.
This is the classic self-justification by racists which claims that the actual victims of racism are also racists, or would be, if they were in power.
We deny that systemic racism is in any way compatible with the core principles of historic evangelical convictions.
This is an interesting turn of phrase given that several of the main American Christian denominations supported chattel slavery. Any denomination that supported slavery has historically had racism as a core principle. The Southern Baptist Church admits this – what they and many other white political churches wont admit is that they continue to practice racism via right-wing politics.
We deny that the Bible can be legitimately used to foster or justify partiality, prejudice, or contempt toward other ethnicities.
It cant, but it has and continues to be used to justify racism by white racists claiming to be christians. This is another weird passive denial of obvious history.
We deny that the contemporary evangelical movement has any deliberate agenda to elevate one ethnic group and subjugate another.
The fact that the white nationalist evangelical movement has been abandoned by practically all Black americans should say something about the truth of this statement. Many Black preachers and churches have recently publicly separated from the SBC.
And we emphatically deny that lectures on social issues (or activism aimed at reshaping the wider culture) are as vital to the life and health of the church as the preaching of the gospel and the exposition of Scripture. Historically, such things tend to become distractions that inevitably lead to departures from the gospel.
Another ridiculous statement that is shockingly hypocritical on several levels. The typical Sunday sermon often includes a lecture about the sinfulness of contemporary society. What they really mean is that white churches should not openly discuss social inequality (the actual sin of racism) and the historical evils of American society. IOW, stick to attacking strawmen victims who can't respond.
My Conclusion
Because the SJ Statement is bookended by statements on race, it intentionally or unintentionally exposes the true concern of its writers. The statement is a directive to the right wing political church that means to discourage truthful discussion of America’s anti-black racism. It is an interesting mixture of Calvinistic doctrine and right-wing politics; a kind of passive aggressive denial of both historical and contemporary reality. In a bizarre type of projection, the writers have created a laundry list of attitudes that describe the overt anti-black racist; saying that the church should not support such attitudes. At the same time, they heavily infer that anti-racism is also un-Biblical, so the white church should not support it either.
In sum, while this manifesto rightly informs us that racism and prejudice are not compatible with BIBLICAL Christianity, it also emphatically implies that the white protestant church and its congregants should not embrace anti-racism, in any form. It is yet another screed in the long tradition of such writings where certain religious people pretend to wring their hands over racism, but go on to conclude that the victims should not complain because it upsets white America; i.e., Americans should not be forced to hear that their idol (American Culture) is evil – even when the BIBLE tells us that all nations are controlled and dominated by the evil one. 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 12:31