Saturday, January 1, 2022

JESUS vs Religious Hypocrites

JESUS to the Pharisees: …“You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you when he said: This people honors me with their mouths; But their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the precepts of men.” (To paraphrase: The worship of hypocrites [religious play-actors and pretenders] is useless because they have accepted a false religion that actually opposes the WORD of GOD.) Mat 15:4-9

Definition: A hypocrite is two-faced; a self-righteous prejudicial person who has one standard of judgement for themselves and another much harsher standard for people they seek to condemn. Hypocrites stress the sins of their chosen enemies while downplaying or even excusing the sins of their own faction.

Projection and Whataboutism = Hypocrisy

It should come as no surprise that anyone (e.g., yours truly) exposing the worldly false doctrines of the American right-wing church will be called a hypocrite by partisans who have convinced themselves that anyone criticizing their unchristian attitudes can only be a shill for the political party they hate. “But What About (insert current talking point)” they cry? Can any mature Christian really believe that GOD is fooled or swayed by “whataboutism?” Church; will GOD ignore your sins because others (especially those outside the church) are also sinning? That argument didn’t even work with your parents when you were a child.

The hypocrite’s “go to” tactic – simply accuse your enemy of the very things that you know you are guilty of...

When questioned about their attitudes, words, and actions that oppose the BIBLE, they immediately cry that you are being too political, but also that you are using the BIBLE to bash them. This is projection by those who have learned the hypocrite’s “go to” tactic – simply accuse your enemy of the very things that you know you are guilty of.

Because trolls always ask for specific examples, lets look at the right-wing media’s stratospherically hypocritical reporting on the Jan 6th Capitol riot. In recent weeks it has been proven that multiple lying Fox “news”propagandists were frantically contacting the Trump White House in real time, begging them to call off the treasonous attack on the Capitol, when on the same day, they told their on-air audience that the attackers were really members of Antifa (anti-fascists). Their own texts have laid bare the fact that they knew full well that not only was Trump guilty of lawlessly suborning treason, but that they themselves would be seen as having been complicit.

Have you and your church been repeating the lies about those culpable for the January 6th attack - an act done in brazen opposition to Romans 13:1? Applying a different standard of judgement is hypocrisy. Refusing to believe your own eyes and ears is consistent with the spirit of end-time deception

JESUS pronounced a succession of woes (warnings of impending damnation) against the religious hypocrites of HIS day – the Pharisees. Mat 23:13-23  A well respected, theologically conservative BIBLE teacher says this in regard to Mat 23 and the contemporary church:

“Modern, secular humanity has not so much rejected Jesus as they have rejected the modern church's presentation of Him in our words, lives, and priorities! The religious leaders themselves are not right with God and are leading others astray; keeping them from getting right with God.” (Italics added for clarity.)

Everyone should pray to be shown the hypocrisy in their own lives and then to be delivered from it.

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