Most reddit commenters agreed that racism is indeed a sin. Now, however, many American right-wing political christians are accepting the propagandistic lie that they are the actual victims of racism. This is just like Hitler’s big lie that vilified the Jews. The German people projected their hatred onto the groups they despised and it eventually led to their own destruction.
With that in mind, periodic reminders about the sinfulness of racism are definitely called for.
Is racism a sin?
Racism is hatred that directly opposes the main teaching of the Christian BIBLE: “LOVE GOD AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF; so yes, racism is definitely a sin.” Mat 7:12
Note that some christians, determined to justify unloving attitudes, convince themselves that "neighbor" only means people they accept as being like themselves. However, in the parable of the good Samaritan, JESUS shows the true meaning. It was the despised foreigner - the Samaritan - who acted righteously as the “good neighbor”, aiding an unknown person he encountered at random. Luke 10:25-37
Racism is blasphemy
Blasphemy means to show contempt for GOD and/or something that GOD has made holy. GOD created all people in his own image, therefore the racist who hates other people based on their race, is hating GOD’s holy image. Genesis 1:27 Rev 7:9 James 3:9
Racism is Bearing False Witness
It is bearing false witness to automatically accuse an innocent person of some stereotyped behavior just because they happen to belong to a particular race. Racists are breaking the 9th commandment every time they attempt to justify racism. Exo 20:16
Hate = Murder
In the Sermon on the mount, JESUS warns us that at the final judgement, sinful thoughts and attitudes will be treated with the same severity as sinful actions. HE said that anyone who is angry with others, without reason, and/or treats them with contempt (hatred) is worthy of damnation just like an unrepentant murderer.
In the Sermon on the mount, JESUS warns us that at the final judgement, sinful thoughts and attitudes will be treated with the same severity as sinful actions. HE said that anyone who is angry with others, without reason, and/or treats them with contempt (hatred) is worthy of damnation just like an unrepentant murderer.
Apostle John repeats the warning: Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 1 Joh 3:15
Sad but true
Sadly, many modern christians reject any BIBLICAL rebuke that opposes what they want to believe, including calls to repent from racism.
The simple outline above shows that racism opposes the most basic teachings of JESUS and that people who unrepentantly bear racism and hatred are, according to the BIBLE, headed for hell.