This verse list is meant to do two things:
1) Help people see that the Old Testament (OT) is tied to the New Testament (NT), by showing how the OT points to JESUS. (The examples given are OT and NT verses that relate to each other.)
2) Show that even though the NT is an extension of the OT, it overrides (supersedes) the OT in many respects. (Something that many people misunderstand or willfully ignore; especially atheists and false christians, when they take BIBLE verses out of context to support their faulty opinions. Such people often try to mislead others using OT verses that are no longer in effect according to the teachings of JESUS in the NT.) I suggest reading / studying these verses in a plain language BIBLE like the ESV or NIV (2011 Version).
(OT) Exodus 20 – The 10 commandments. These are the basic rules of right and wrong given by GOD directly to Moses after the Israelites escaped slavery in Egypt. Our modern moral values are based on the 10 Commandments. Memorize them – they are the baseline for your salvation. (Oddly, most Christians can't name the 10 Commandments – try it. It wasn’t until I realized that I couldn’t name them off the top of my head that I determined to memorize them.) (NT) Matthew 19:16-28 -JESUS and the rich young ruler. Jesus explained to a young man what he needed to do for salvation. JESUS gives the man a short version of the 10 Commandments and goes on to explain that to ensure salvation you have to dedicate every aspect of your life to JESUS. For this particular guy, JESUS told him (in answer to his question) that if the man was willing to sell his possessions and give the proceeds to the poor, he would have great rewards in heaven. The rich guy wasn’t quite willing to give up his money to become a fully dedicated disciple. JESUS used the encounter to show the disciples that being rich, like the Pharisees, wasn’t necessarily the same as being blessed or righteous.
(OT) Deuteronomy 31-32 - The Song of Moses (Specifically, Deut 32:1-20). As a new Christian, you won’t necessarily understand this right away, but this is a prophecy given to Moses by GOD about history of the Israelites. Every line relates to something that had either already happened in the BIBLE timeline or that would happen after Moses. It is a picture or a foreshadowing of the relationship that believers (including Christians) will have with GOD throughout the ages – rebelling and then seeking forgiveness. (The OT is a book of examples for future believers.) This speech tells us that GOD is not only a GOD of mercy – as taught by the modern church - but that HE is also a GOD of judgement. (NT) Acts 7 – Stephen’s Speech to the Rulers – Steven gives an amazing speech just before he is executed for being a follower of JESUS. He recounts the history of the Jews from Abraham to Moses, telling how JESUS relates to Moses and reproaches (condemns) the Jews for rejecting the prophets throughout their history; ultimately rejecting JESUS, their messiah.
(OT) 1 Kings 8 - Solomon’s Prayer Dedicating the first Temple. Solomon dedicates the 1st Temple with a prayer that mirrors Moses' Song, in that it prophetically shows how the relationship between GOD and the chosen people (the Hebrews) worked and that ultimately giving the same opportunity for salvation to the other people in the world (the gentiles) was always GOD's ultimate plan (Verses 41-43). (NT) Matthew 10:5-8 - JESUS sends the disciples out to the lost sheep of Israel. Acts 9, (Specifically Acts 9:15 and 22:21) Paul sent to the gentiles. JESUS converts Paul (a former Pharisee) and instructs him, to go and preach Christianity to the gentiles.
(OT) Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 - Isaiah and Psalms on JESUS. Isaiah 53 is the so-called forbidden chapter, because it is apparently not read in Jewish synagogues. It is considered controversial in that it obviously seems to be about JESUS. Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 give a prophetic outline of the life and suffering of JESUS and are striking examples of how JESUS was foretold in the Old Testament. The entire OT points to JESUS like a thousand arrows heading towards the same target. (NT) Mat 27:27-56 – The actual events of JESUS on the cross. JESUS on the cross uses the same words as the OT to show that HE was fulfilling the scripture.
(NT) Matthew 5-7 – The Sermon on the Mount (Including the Beatitudes). JESUS explains the New Testament and shows how it refines and fulfills the OT; with JESUS being the final perfect blood sacrifice. JESUS fulfilled the Law of the OT as the only “man” who was ever able to satisfy the law by living a sinless life. (See these two blog posts that show how you can get further understanding of a BIBLE verse by looking up specific words. In this case, the key words in Mat 5, verses 1-12. It's fairly easy using BIBLE software.) (OT) OT verses that relate to The sermon on the Mount; in addition to Exodus 20 here are just few: Exo_19:3, Eze_36:22-38, Psa_1:1, Psa_119:1-2, Psa_37:11, Jer_29:13, Isa_29:13, Deu_30:19
(NT) Matthew 25 - Parables of the Ten Virgins, the Talents, and the Great White Throne Judgement. A parable is a simple story that illustrates a greater point. JESUS gives three different parables that serve as warnings to the endtime church to be ready for the day of judgment:
1) The foolish virgins symbolize Christians who are not spiritually ready for the rapture; the wise virgins are those who remain spiritually ready as a way of life.
2) The servant who only gained one talent. The servant symbolizes a Christian who does not create any spiritual fruit (starting with themselves) with the gifts GOD had given them.
3) In the final parable, people who were Christlike are welcomed into heaven and those who were not, are sent to eternal fire.