Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Part II - The Corporate Strawman, CORPORATE AMERICA vs the 10 Commandments

Did you know that the Pilgrims and most other early English settlers who came to America were employees of a corporation? A corporation is a group of people who cooperate (incorporate) to form a company; generally, to do business and make money. The early colonists were hired to settle an area of North America and make money from whatever they could take from the land.

Legally speaking, a corporation has many of the same legal rights as an individual citizen – it can be thought of as a symbolic person that is sometimes referred to as a corporate strawman.

Imagine for a moment that the actions of the European immigrants who settled America were those of a single symbolic individual – the corporate strawman. Imagine that corporate person is symbolized as say - this image of Uncle Sam.

I will use this illustration of America as a corporate person to shed light on the historical fiction that allows so many Americans to believe that America was created as a Christian Nation, that is, doing the works of CHRIST as opposed to observing a nominal (in name only) religion as part of a national culture.

Let’s look at the actions of Uncle Sam throughout his history and compare those actions to the Ten Commandments; the basic rules of right and wrong given to Moses by GOD in the BIBLE. Exodus 20. Let’s look at each commandment and see how the American corporate strawman has broken every one of God's Commandments in creating and preserving this nation.

The 10 Commandments - simplified and paraphrased:

1. You shall not have or worship any god other than the GOD of the BIBLE.
2. You shall not make any idols and worship them (carved images or statues representing false gods or anything else).
3. You shall not take GOD’s name in vain (use it in any unrighteous or disrespectful way).
4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy (take worshipping GOD seriously).
5. Honor your father and mother (symbolic obedience to GOD).
6. You shall not steal.
7. You shall not kill.
8. You shall not commit adultery.
9. You shall not falsely accuse anyone (especially in a way that hurts them legally or emotionally)
10. You shall not covet (illegally want anything that doesn’t belong to you).

JESUS simplified these laws even further in the New Testament:

Love GOD with your entire personality and love your neighbor as yourself. Mat 22:36 When related to the Old Testament, it means obey GOD out of love (Commandments 1-5), and prove your love for GOD by loving your neighbor (i.e., don't do things that injure others - Commandments 6-10).

America and the 10 Commandments

1. The first commandment - You shall have no other gods before me (meaning alongside, or instead of the GOD of the BIBLE).

Anything you serve as enthusiastically as you serve GOD is an idol. It is a GOD to you. If your real preoccupation in life is your station in society and how much money you have - that is an idol - your true God. American patriotism has become an idol for many American christians because they have been taught that America was formed as a christian nation.

The US of America was formed by a hostile corporate takeover. The so-called founding fathers stole the American corporation from England via rebellion and murder (the revolutionary war).

Most of the founding fathers were not Christians

The founders, for the most part, were not Christians. Regardless of the lies of those who would have us believe so today, history demonstratively shows that people like Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Paine, etc., were deists. Deists claim to believe in a distant god that created things and then went away. They may have believed in a god but they did not respect the GOD of the BIBLE. In fact, Jefferson and Paine explicitly wrote about their hatred of the GOD of the BIBLE – but not until the common people had been fooled by their patriotic propaganda into supporting the revolution and the takeover had been accomplished.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution created America as a godless corporation according to their own beliefs – Masonry and deism. They allowed the average person to believe that somehow it was all done for righteousness sake via the highly deceptive documents they created to conceal their treachery. They were claiming to seek freedom from a supposedly terrible injustice; what amounted to a trivial amount of taxation, while they themselves hypocritically beat, starved and imprisoned innocent people as slaves for life.

2. You shall not make idols or worship them.

Nationalism and patriotism are idols. Weren’t we taught to pray to the flag; vainly reciting a loyalty oath called the Pledge of Allegiance?

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Putting GOD’s name alongside the lie that there was ever “liberty and justice for all” in America is an outrageous blasphemy. The pledge at one time even incorporated a nazi-like salute, which was discontinued during WWII. National patriotic references to GOD were mostly added in the 1950’s as anti-communist political sloganeering. There is nothing in the Bible that encourages us to love and worship the country that we were born in, alongside of GOD. The formula “GOD and country” is simply not BIBLICAL. GOD LOVES EVERYBODY – lines on a map have nothing to do with eternity. Google “patriotic bible verses” and every one that you see will be so far out of context as to be a willful misinterpretation – a lie. Americanism, all the basic god bless the flag type stuff, is idolatry.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

Taking the LORD's name in vain (using GODs name in a pointless disrespectful way) isn't just blaspheming / disrespecting GOD by saying GD or OMG or the like.

Using the BIBLE to justify evil is taking GOD’s name in vain

GOD’s name is also used in vain when it is evoked to justify evil. Using willfully misinterpreted BIBLE scripture as a lie to justify your evil actions is really using God's name in vain. Beginning with the pilgrims, Americans have mercilessly exploited their victims in their quest for riches. Americans used BIBLE verses to justify the horrific evils of slavery, land theft, and mass murder. “A gun in one hand and a BIBLE in the other” used to be their blasphemous boast.

Using GOD’s WORD and therefore HIS HOLY NAME to justify Indian genocide, land theft, manifest destiny, chattel slavery, racism, and modern imperialism is a horrible blasphemy. It is using GOD's name in the worst way imaginable – because it causes people who don’t know GOD to hate HIM because of the hypocrisy of his self-proclaimed representatives. Saying that because America is a christian country, whatever it does is justifiable, is a lie from the pit of hell. Just because GOD allows something – doesn’t mean HE approves of it, and that HE won’t eventually bring judgment.

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Jesus taught us that GOD gave mankind a day of rest, the sabbath, as a symbolic act of mercy. No one, not even animals, were supposed to work on the sabbath. It was an indication that GOD wanted us to show mercy to each other. According to JESUS, the religious hypocrites of his day condemned him to death because, like the Puritans, they didn’t understand that the spirit of the law was mercy. America has been utterly merciless to the people it exploited and continues to exploit; blasphemously using the BIBLE to justify worldliness and greed.

5. Honor your father and your mother.

Honoring your father and mother is symbolic of honoring and obeying GOD. To the true Christian, GOD is your Father. “Our FATHER” is how JESUS taught us to address HIM. JESUS called believers who were willing to do GODs will, his brothers, sisters and mother, i.e., Christians who act according to the WORD are symbolically the blood relatives of CHRIST. JESUS said that the greatest commandment was to love GOD and love your neighbor as yourself. People who say they are christians but do whatever they want, are dishonoring GOD and the body of CHRIST. Symbolically speaking, they are dishonoring their FATHER (GOD) and their mother (the church). So, did America honor GOD and love its neighbor when it destroyed anyone who stood in its path to riches – then and now?

6. You shall not murder.

Columbus was not an American, but our history books presented him as the original American Hero. Columbus set the tone for how Europeans would deal with the Natives Americans and with the Africans they would bring. According to everything we know, Columbus genocidally exploited the natives he encountered in an insane, demonically driven quest for gold. Three million Taino Indians were living on Hispaniola when Columbus landed. Fifty years later, there were less than 11,000. Columbus and his men cruelly tortured and murdered the Indians in ways that are unimaginable to modern people – enslaving the natives and trying to make them produce gold in quantities that didn’t exist on the island. This isn’t some SJW revisionist history fantasy, this information is from eye witness accounts, books written, and charges made against Columbus while he was still alive.

This pattern was later repeated throughout the English colonies, first trying to force the Indians to be slaves, and then finally just killing them to steal their land – murdering millions. Millions of Africans were also killed transporting them to the new world to steal their labor. America continues this pattern today by starting wars to destabilize entire nations so corporations can go in and take control of their resources. If the people resist, they are called terrorists or revolutionaries and slaughtered. This is the real meaning of spreading democracy – just like the ancient Roman empire – America uses it primarily offensive military to make it safe for US corporations to economically invade and dominate weaker countries. Millions were killed in Vietnam and Iraq. Almost everyone pretends not to see this for fear of being called unpatriotic or not “supporting the troops”.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

Adultery and fornication (sexual sins) symbolize idolatry in the BIBLE, because GOD’s people (the church) are symbolically married to GOD in a love relationship. The church (Israel) was/is said to be committing adultery when they were worshiping gods other than the GOD of the BIBLE. You should be getting the idea by now that America loves money as its true god. Supposedly christian America continues its adultery against GOD by idolizing Americanism instead of holding America to a real Christian standard and admitting its past sins.

8. You shall not steal.

Did you know that the Bible points to slavery, under the name of manstealing, as one of the worst sins possible? In 1 Timothy 1:8, a verse that I have never heard specifically mentioned in any church, by any preacher, black or white, the apostle Paul says the manstealer (a slaver who steals a man’s liberty and sells him into a life of involuntary servitude) is as evil and depraved as someone who would murder their own parents. Everyone who participated in slavery, from the capture gang to the slave owner, is damned by this verse. Are we so brainwashed with patriotism and hypocrisy that we cannot see the plain BIBLE truth right in front of our faces? How could this verse be a surprise when JESUS tells us that the greatest commandment in the universe is to Love GOD and demonstrate that love by loving your neighbor in the same way that you want GOD to love you – by showing mercy.

Uncle Sam stole the land and the persons of the Indians and Africans in one of the great genocides of human history. In Tit 1:16, we see the true character of the American corporate man:

They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

9. You shall not bear false witness (perjury / false testimony) against your neighbor.

Lying against anyone, especially in a way that harms them – legally or socially, is against GOD's law. Lies that cause prejudice and injustice are a form of false witness. Blaming the victim by bearing false witness against him has been the way that America has traditionally avoided repentance and created self-justifications for every sin against its victims - namely the native Americans and the formerly enslaved Africans.

10. You shall not covet (want).

Wanting things makes people do evil. Loving money causes people to break all the other commandments trying to get it – including destroying other people and selling their souls outright. Why does anyone make a pact with the devil other than to get what they want in this life?

Exodus 20:17: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s. With the Catholic “Doctrine of Discovery” enshrined in American law, white Americans claimed to have the right to “discover,” conquer, and take the land of non-christian peoples. They stole the land and people’s bodies, including stealing women and children for sexual exploitation – rape. This aspect of slavery was so commonplace that it was famously indulged in by both Washington and Jefferson with little or no moral disapproval from historians for more than 200 years. Slavery was in fact, a life sentence of brutal torture, starvation, rape and murder for the majority of enslaved Africans in America. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote that plantation owners only gave the enslaved enough food and shelter to keep them "operating", i.e., alive and working. Farm animals often had better conditions.

America’s love of money

The case against America can be reduced to one BIBLE verse – the love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Tim 6:10 Money is just a thing, a concept of value. It is the love of money that causes people to do evil. Europeans came to the new world knowing the difference between right and wrong but they consistently chose to do evil for the sake of self-interest. Despite the ridiculous claims that they didn’t know any better, the settlers had the same BIBLE as we do. In fact, it was the English Puritans that encouraged King James to commission his BIBLE.

Starting with Columbus, American colonists were committed to a program of genocide and slavery. Even the Puritans, who claimed christianity, justified their materialism with a vicious mix of racial pride and hypocritical theocracy. They vilified and murdered the Indians to steal their land and enslaved stolen Africans - saying that anyone who came to them as a slave would remain a slave  - that it would not be their sin. Chattel slavery was a pillar of the Constitution; determining representation in congress and demanding, by federal law, that escaped slaves be returned to their legal owners - contrary to the BIBLE. Deu 23:15

So, is America a christian nation? Calling yourself a christian does not make you a Christian. Doing the works of JESUS makes you a Christian but the American corporate man has done just the opposite. Long ago, Sam sold his soul for the love of money.

Sam’s GOD is money.

Part 1 - Is Racism a Sin?

One day I was praying about what a drag racism is. I had recently heard several seemingly knowledgeable white American preachers repeat the traditional “blame the victim” rhetoric against black people. I said to GOD: it seems like so many of your preachers just don’t care anything at all about black people. GOD’s response was: “That is why I have you.” Every Christian has a mission. My mission here is to deliver a message of repentance to those in deception to the false theology of hate - to keep them from destroying themselves and from destroying others who they are driving away from the salvation message with their hateful attitudes. I feel that GOD wants me to talk honestly about racism, prejudice, hate and other deceptions in the end time church that will cost people their souls if they don’t repent.


A number of surveys done in recent years have shown that Americans who consider themselves to be evangelical christians are more racist than average white Americans.

You would think that christians would know better than to be racist, given that it is obviously against everything JESUS taught in the BIBLE. This points to the underlying problem of mainstream American Christianity; people have accepted a religion that is actually opposed to the BIBLE - and it goes all the way back to the Pilgrims.

So what is racism? - Racism vs Prejudice

“Racism” is a word in the English language. Like all other English words, “racism” has a dictionary definition. That definition is routinely ignored by white American racists when they try to employ projection and “what-about-ism” to claim that blacks are racist too – as if that could ever excuse their own sins in the eyes of GOD. 

A 1970’s Random House dictionary defines Racism as follows:

1. A belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. A policy enforcing such asserted right.

3. A system of government and society based on it (racism).

Racism is structural and governmental, as well as personal. American racism is a system of government where one race politically and economically oppresses others based on the (sometimes unconscious) belief that it is superior and has the right to do so. Spiritually speaking, racism is the socio-political power to do to others that which you would not have them do to you.

When white Americans project racism onto their traditional victims, it is a refusal to repent – a strategy of the devil that keeps the racist in bondage to a sinful attitude that will take them to hell. That’s all the devil needs, one unrepented sin to take a person to hell forever.

Prejudice is typically defined as a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience”. 

Prejudice is mostly personal. According to the definitions, black Americans don’t have the political power to enforce racism on anyone, but can they be prejudiced? Certainly. You slander GOD by equating an entire race with evil through either prejudice or racism. Of course, that goes for every race against every other race. The victims of racism in the Americas, natives and Africans, are still not allowed to hate the perpetrators of racism – that is what CHRISTIANITY is – forgive in order to be forgiven. Being a victim is not a free pass – unsaved victims are still lost like anyone else.

Scriptural Proof

Racism is so much a part of American culture that most people just seem to accept it as the way things are and don’t think or talk about it in spiritual terms. I get the impression overall, that most Americans – even Black Americans – don’t think of racism as a sin.

According to JESUS’ sermon on the mount, we know that hate is a sin. But what about racism?

Racism is hate so it is most definitely a deadly sin according to the BIBLE because it opposes the main teaching of JESUS; the teaching that JESUS himself called the greatest commandment – LOVE GOD and love your neighbor as yourself. Mat 7:12 I will prove to you that racism is a sin using BIBLE verses – not my opinion. Christians who refuse this simple truth will have to answer for it at the judgement.

Racism is blasphemy

Typically, blasphemy is understood to be speaking disrespectfully about God or making a false accusation against any innocent person. That is, calling someone evil who is not evil. Why is racism blasphemy against GOD? Because GOD created man in his own image. The racist’s attitude toward the race they despise is hate for GOD’s holy image - represented by the saved ones of that race.

Two BIBLE verses, one from the beginning of the BIBLE and one from the end, prove that every race was made in the image of GOD.

Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 

According to the BIBLE, all the so-called races are descendants of Noah and therefore directly related to each other. Racists that claim that Africans (or others) are somehow different from or inferior to Europeans, are denying the BIBLE. In the Book of Revelation, an angel shows John all the people who are in heaven, at the end of time:

Rev 7:9 - After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands…”

The original Greek says “every (one and all) nation (éthnos – having a common culture) and all tribes (phylē - descendants of a common ancestor – a race) and peoples and tongues (glōssa - every human language)”. All means all. There is no rational christian argument for one race being superior or more blessed by GOD and another being inferior. In fact, that idea directly contradicts the BIBLE, which shows people of all races being saved. Racism is a creation of Islamic and European imperialism – a self-justification for destroying other people’s lives for the sake of making money. Racism is blasphemous disrespect towards GOD.

Racism is Bearing False Witness

Racists are breaking the 10 commandments every time they decide to justify racism. Exo 20:16 It is bearing false witness when anyone agrees that people deserve mistreatment for being born part of a group that the racist hates. The racist is agreeing to judge an innocent person guilty of whatever stereotypical behavior that that persons’ race is being accused of. Lynching was the most grotesque form of this kind of false witness – carried out for hundreds of years in America - human sacrifice on the altar of white supremacy.

JAS 3:9 …With it (the tongue) we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse (condemn to destruction) men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing….

Racism is Hate and Hate is Murder

In the Sermon on the mount JESUS restated the Ten Commandments for the New Testament covenant. Matt 5-7 JESUS told us that under the new covenant (contract) sinful thoughts and attitudes will carry as much weight as sinful actions at the final judgement.

In Mat 5:21 JESUS tells us that the Old Testament said 'you shall not commit murder' and that murderers will be judged. Then HE goes on to say that under the NT, anyone who is angry with someone for no reason or considers them to be a worthless fool is guilty enough to also be judged and sentenced to hell.

The Greek words for "worthless" and "fool" imply prideful contempt on the part of the person that uses them; the attitude that someone is so far beneath you that they are not even worthy to live. JESUS was talking about prideful people who were arrogantly looking down on others as despicable and sub-human. Racism is the very embodiment of that kind of hatred and contempt. People who hold such attitudes are said by JESUS to be worthy of judgment just like an actual murderer. No murderer can enter heaven:

1 Joh 3:15 - Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

Revelation 21:8… But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

1Joh 4:20 If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For if he does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

If you hate people, people that GOD made in his own image, you hate what GOD has done, you hate what GOD loves. You hate GOD. Therefore, according to the BIBLE, you and your attitude are plainly, simply, and obviously not acceptable in heaven.


The final judgement is known in the BIBLE as the Great White Throne Judgement. It is one of the most frightening passages in the BIBLE because it shows people who believe that they are good enough to go to heaven being sentenced to hell instead. 

MAT 7:22 and REV 20:11 both refer to this judgement. At the end of time when satan has been destroyed and evil has been conquered, JESUS will judge all the people who were not worthy to make it to heaven in the 1st resurrection, commonly known as the rapture.

In Mat 7:21 Jesus tells us… Not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day (the final judgement), Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (sinful christians).

In REV 20:11, these people are thrown in the lake of fire for eternal destruction with satan and his demons.

What does the great white Throne judgement have to do with racism and deception in the American Church?

Add up the verses: hateful attitudes = murder; murderers go to hell. Many seemingly decent people are headed to hell because they don’t fear (respect) GOD enough to repent of pride. They think that their good works, good intentions, and self-justifications cancel out their evil attitudes, their prejudices, their racism, hate, love of money, etc. People really do think they can fool GOD. Of course, JESUS sees right through them and their good works are rejected as meaningless because their hearts are evil. You are saved by your internal Christ-like attitude (the narrow way) – not by your partial actions (broad road christianity of compromise). You can only be saved by claiming the sinlessness of JESUS, by true repentance, prayer and obedience. That is the salvation message of the BIBLE.

You Cannot Be Saved If You Hate

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Overview - Why Did Right-wing Christians Vote Trump?

In 2016, 81% of voters who identified themselves as evangelical christians voted for a known adulterer, a compulsive liar, racist, and con-man to become president of the United States. Do you shake your head and wonder how sanctimonious evangelical christians could ever accept a corrupt degenerate like Donald Trump and then go so far as to proclaim him to be their god appointed christian leader?

The explanation lies in the simple fact that these people are not really Christians. White American evangelicals would howl at the accusation, but it is easily proven by anyone who knows the BIBLE. The conservative right-wing political church has accepted so much false doctrine (false teaching) that it is practicing a religion that has discarded many of the original teachings of JESUS CHRIST. Simply put, the religion of the American right-wing political church is subtly, yet fundamentally, anti-christ.

(Note that I don't say this to attack these churches, I say it in the hopes that people will be concerned enough to look into their own hearts and ask GOD if they need to seek repentance. The BIBLE says to "Come out of Babylon." Rev 18:1-5)

The American right-wing political church is anti-Christ…

The term Christian originally meant someone who followed the teachings of and the example set by JESUS CHRIST. Church-i-anity describes the practices of church people who value their denomination’s tradition more than the actual teachings of JESUS. Mar 7:6-13 In the BIBLE, JESUS tells us that loving GOD - and showing it by treating other people the way you would like to be treated yourself - is the foremost teaching and the true essence of the Christian faith. Mat 22:34-401 Cor 13 If you and your denomination hates, judges and despises other people, no matter who they are, regardless of the reason, you are practicing a religion that is against CHRIST, i.e., anti-Christ. Anti-christ means “opposed to, or instead of” CHRIST. Right-wing politics, patriotism, and race pride are the idols that the right-wing church worships instead of CHRIST.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was most certainly about hating, despising, judging and rejecting “others”. Sadly, right-wing political christians ate it up. Repent, you must repent! As much for being willfully deceived – as for idolizing a man and trusting in him for worldly salvation.

You will not be forgiven if you refuse to forgive others…

Let no man deceive you, going to a church once a week with people who are as deceived as you are is not going to save you. You cannot be saved if you hate or refuse to forgive – and that even includes hating those who persecute you. Not sure that this is a thing? See Mat 5:21 and recall the words of the LORD’s prayer – JESUS tells us to ask GOD to “… forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”. “Debts” mean sin. Your sins will not be forgiven if you refuse to forgive others – that’s the BIBLE. Mat 6:12-15, Mat 5:44-48

Conservative please read on - it could save your soul…

My mission is a mission of mercy. I am delivering a wake-up call to those Christians in America who have been entranced and deceived by those preaching hate. I am here to preach repentance to the deceived – to call out a sin that is threatening to send you to hell. American right-wing christians have been deceived by tradition into believing that racism and hate can be justified. Are you willing to risk eternity in hell to feel superior to others? The BIBLE tells us over and over that GOD rebukes and disciplines those who HE loves. Pro 3:11, Rev 3:19 Rebuke means convict of wrong doing. How can you receive correction from GOD if you refuse to listen to anything that disagrees with your worldly politics?

Jas 2:8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you show partiality (prejudice and favoritism), you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

I am not saying that all white Americans are racists, but American patriotism and its accepted falsehoods are unavoidably tied to racism. Right wing propagandists are preaching hate against people who are actually America’s historical victims. I believe that GOD is being merciful in allowing American right-wing political christians to worship an obvious anti-christ (Trump) without immediately losing their souls - because there is still time to repent before they are lost forever. This is the purpose here – not hate for racists but a warning to repent according to the love of JESUS.

You can’t fool GOD…

My mission entails more than calling out to people to repent of racism, anger, and general unforgiveness. If your version of Christianity is driving weak Christians and unbelievers away from the true message of JESUS CHRIST; causing them to associate Christianity with hate, you are committing a terrible sin against them and against your own soul. The mission of everyone in the church is to draw people to JESUS by practicing love and forgiveness. Christians, will you listen to the words of JESUS? JESUS knows what is in your heart – you can’t fool GOD.

In this 7-part essay I will prove to you, using the words of the BIBLE, that people who mindlessly support every aspect of modern conservative republican politics are not obeying the will of GOD, as revealed by JESUS CHRIST.

Many people may not actually know what real Christianity is…

I will explain how a long-standing denominational teaching has allowed American christians to feel justified in hating and abusing others; when the BIBLE plainly says that true Christians are to follow the example of JESUS and love everyone, including sinners. I will expose the origin of that terrible soul-destroying heresy, a false church teaching, that dominates the American mindset – both Christian and secular.

Most importantly, I will discuss the probability that many people who claim to be saved Christians, as well as those who say they hate Christianity - may not actually know what real Christianity is.

The 7 essays will discuss the following:

Part 1 will show that racism is a sin according to the BIBLE.

Amazingly, many people who think of themselves as christians don’t seem to accept the fact that racism is a sin. Current events show that many American christians feel perfectly justified in holding racist beliefs. Using the most basic BIBLE scriptures, we will see that racism is a deadly sin that will most definitely carry your soul to hell.

In Part 2 we will see that, symbolically, America has broken and continues to break every one of GOD’s 10 Commandments (The very same 10 Commandments that right-wing christians pretend to revere).

Many American right-wing christians consider it unpatriotic to point out America’s grossly sinful past. The BIBLE does not tell us to be patriotic, the BIBLE tells us to seek the truth and to repent - both for ourselves and for our forbearers. I will show how America, throughout its history, has broken every commandment and continues to break them in order to maintain economic and political dominance – all in service to the love of money.

Part 3 will expose Calvinism as the false church doctrine (teaching) that has been used to justify all of America’s sins.

The first puritan settlers that landed in Massachusetts were Calvinists. The false teachings of Calvinism allowed them to justify killing the natives and enslaving Africans. Calvinism allowed the puritans and their spiritual and political descendants to believe that they had the right to dismiss the human worth of all people who were not of their race or their sect. As such, racism has been baked into the American mindset from the very beginning - through church teachings that most people have never learned to question.

Part 4 will discuss false teaching in the modern church.

The endtime deceptions are here. Many people think that church deceptions are coming – but they are already here; in some cases, as the BIBLE tells us, they have been in the church from the very beginning (e.g., Gnosticism). Racism is just one of the many end time deceptions that is plaguing the American Church. There are many other deadly unbiblical false doctrines being promoted in American churches – in white churches, black churches, Mexican churches, and in every other church group. We will talk about them and learn how to recognize an apostate (false) church that is sending its parishioners to hell by teaching false doctrine.

Part 5 is a Word specifically for Non-Christians, Unbelievers, Atheists, etc.

I will present, as best I can (according to my own opinion but in line with what BIBLE commentators have taught from the beginning) a short summary of what the BIBLE says and what it means - as opposed to what modern apostate political christian denominations claim their religion stands for. I hope to shed some light on real BIBLICAL Christianity – information that even non-christians can use to recognize and point out the hypocrisy of sanctimonious right-wing political false christians who are not speaking and acting according to the commandments of their own stated religion.

In Part 6 we will look at the concept of Authoritarianism.

I want to Introduce people to the concept of authoritarian psychology. Social scientists have long known that a certain percentage of people, irrespective of race, religion, and politics are prone to following any strong leader that represents the existing political order. Of course, Christians should be following JESUS and not seeking worldly salvation by idolizing any politician or leader. Hopefully some people will see that they are being led down the wrong path by political personality cults, and recognize the need to repent.

Part 7 - The Final Conclusion - The Meaning of Life

It occurred to me one day, just out of the blue, that I understood the meaning of life. After more than 50 years of BIBLE study and general research, I offer you my final takeaway.

Overview - Why Did Right-wing Christians Vote Trump?

In 2016, 81% of voters who identified themselves as evangelical christians voted for a known adulterer, a compulsive liar, racist, and con-...